N-power Shortlisted Candidates 2020 update:
Presently, there's a fraudulent WhatsApp message circulating online about N-Power shortlist 2020. This message contains a link that looks exactly like the N power official website where you're requested to input your registered email and phone number, on clicking to verify, you get a response saying, sorry, that you are not on the list while a link is provided for you to chat a supposed N power about the shortlist. This message is a fraudulent act put out by scammers, when you initiate a chat, you'd be required to pay some amount of money with the promise of getting you shortlisted. Please don't fall for this cheap scam.
Ignore this WhatsApp message about shortlist circulating online to not get defrauded. When shortlisted names are out, you'd get notified through your registered email address or phone number and the news will circulate all media and firstly on the N-power official handle.
Kindly visit N-power official twitter handle to always get the real and genuine information
Kindly forward and share this to concerned candidates.